Experiences of success in industrial plants projects


  • Nuria Forcada Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya (España)
  • Miquel Casals Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya (España)
  • Marta Gangolells Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya (España)
  • Xavier Roca Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya (España)
  • Alba Fuertes Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya (España)




project management, industrial plants, success factors, construction industry, project evaluation


Success has always been the ultimate goal of construction projects, and different researchers have tried to evaluate it using different factors. Although specialized industrial construction usually involves very large scale projects with a high degree of technological complexity, research has mostly focused on civil and residential success factors. Experiences in Industrial Plants projects can help to improve project management and productivity in such a specialized sector. In this kind of projects, the contractual arrangement is one of the core differences on Project management and thus project success. This research seeks to develop a schema for classifying critical success factors as well as a methodology for evaluating projects. This methodology was adopted to evaluat critical success factors in Industrial Plants projects with different contractual arrangements. Findings suggest that although the construction stage has been the focus of many studies, the first stages are decisive for the success of projects; contract construction projects consider project planning to be more important; lump sum contract construction projects give greater importance to monitoring the benefits; bidding competition projects consider the available technology with greater rigor, etc. The results indicate that different Industrial Plants projects involve different success factors and management characteristics to achieve project objectives.


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How to Cite

Forcada, N., Casals, M., Gangolells, M., Roca, X., & Fuertes, A. (2008). Experiences of success in industrial plants projects. Revista Ingeniería De Construcción, 23(2), 82–93. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-50732008000200003



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