Key lessons learned from adopting relational principles in the public sector: a case study in california.




Relational Contracts, Integrated Project Delivery, Collaboration, Public Sector


Alternative project delivery methods that support collaboration are gaining significant attention in the public sector in the U.S., with increasing examples of owners that transform their traditional delivery methods into ones that reflect relational contracting principles. These approaches are new and despite their proven benefits, their widespread is hindered by the novelty and unfamiliarity nature. The aim of this paper was to contribute to bridge this gap. The key elements associated with relational principles were drawn from the literature and discussed in the light of an empirical case in California. This successful case study provides evidence that these elements can work, even with the limitations commonly observed in the public sector. The paper discusses observed best practices and reveals some practical insights from a project team that was implementing relational elements in the public sector for the first time. The findings of this study will hopefully contribute to the widespread of these practices, and inspire academics and practitioners to initiate or continue their journey towards more collaborative project delivery methods in the construction industry.


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How to Cite

Tillmann, P. A., & Humphrey, K. (2024). Key lessons learned from adopting relational principles in the public sector: a case study in california. Revista Ingeniería De Construcción, 38(Special Issue).



Case Studies