Chile and its Geographic Perspectives towards the Pacific and Antarctica


  • RIESCO RIESCO Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Chile, Pacific Ocean, Political Geography, Antarctica


Due to its geographical situation, Chile is called to play a leading role in the two fundamental geographic-political tasks that humanity will undertake until the end of this century. These are the incorporation of the Pacific Ocean and the conquest of the Antarctic Continent. Different geographic foundations on which mankind can base and project its future action in relation to this task are analyzed, highlighting also the negative implications that they entail in parallel.

The weak relationship of mutual dependence existing from the geographical point of view between the Pacific Ocean and its coastal countries is highlighted. The configuration of the 200 nautical miles constitutes an element capable of generating a link between the maritime and continental spheres, while the incorporation of the navigation of the southern polar route allows consolidating Chilean sovereignty over Antarctica.


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How to Cite

RIESCO, R. (1980). Chile and its Geographic Perspectives towards the Pacific and Antarctica. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (6), 49–56. Retrieved from


