Churches and Cities Evolve Together


  • ALDEN GAETE JENICEK Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Churches, cities, landscape, urban sprawl


Substantive and methodological writing that deals with religion with in thefield of geography is small in bulk and scattered among publications. Although geographers have long recognized that religious ideas and organizarían may play an important role in the way man occupies and shapes the land. Important geographic studies fousing on this theme only recently have begun to appear. This little essay, building on some of these pioneer studies, shows a particular concern with the interaction between the urban growth and its impact on the churches.


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ALLEN. JAMES 1970 : Variations in Catholic-Protestant Proportions among Maine Towns. Proceedings, Association af American Geographer. Nº 2, 1518 pp.
ISAAC. ERICH. 1960 : The Act and the Covenant: The Impact of Religion on the Landscape. Landscape. Vol. IX, 18 pp.
PILLSBURY, RICHARD. 1970 : The Religious Geography of Pennsylvania: A Factor Ana1ytic Approach . Proceedings Association of American Geographer, Nº 2.130-134 pp.
SOPHER, DAVID. 1967 : Geography of Religíons. Prentice-Hall, In., Englewood Clíffs, N.J.
ZELINSKY, WILBUR. 1961: An Approach to the Religíous Geography of the United States : Pattems of Church Membership in 1952. Annals, Association of American Geographer. Vol. 51, 139-193 pp.
ZIMPEL, HEINZ-GERHARD. 1963: Von Religíoneinfluss in den Kulturland schaften zwischen Taurus und Sinai. Mitteilungen der Geographischen Gesellschaft in München , XLVIII.



How to Cite

GAETE JENICEK, A. . (1986). Churches and Cities Evolve Together. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (13), 59–67. Retrieved from


