The structure of the political space


  • HERNAN SANTIS ARENAS Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Spatial structures are not a new subject-matter on Political Geography field. It had origin on Ratzel contribution 's, wich was comparing State as "territorial cells" From that geographical state theory, scholarships can identified corea area, capitol, periphery (hinterland) and boundary. Now, the author will do try to go deep in complexity on functional relation theory on political space nature; special/y watching population, territory, qualities of organization and power means, he is exploring to identified spatial structures in a new way. Using relevant variables that explain nature ofpolitical space, as density population to municipal and regional scale; regional percentage of national gross geographical product; and, regional percentage of national economic investment; outlinead new structural elements. As result of case study, after quantitative and cartographic analysis of that variables, is possible to identified: core area, consolidated secondary cores, demographic secondary cores, threshold or semi-peripheries, periphery and state boundaries. To that is necessary to add political capitol, the inside border zone notion, an to draft outside border notion.


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Author Biography

HERNAN SANTIS ARENAS, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Instituto de Geografía Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


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How to Cite

SANTIS ARENAS, H. (1990). The structure of the political space. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (17), 53–65. Retrieved from




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