Spatial focalization of quality of life quality of life problems in the commune of La Pintana, Metropolitan Region


  • ROBERTO FIGUEROA MARTIN Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Quality of life, La Pintana, Poverty, Vulnerable population


The purpose of this work is lo rank urban settlements in La Pintana commune according their quality of life problems. Particularly important is lo demonstrate the significance of spatial dimension, in the solution and understanding 01 this type of problems, as well as to differentiate emp irically the concept of poverty and quality of life . In this regard, this research intends lo incorporate a key element for the measuring of quality of life, wich is lo idenlify group of people differentiated by their vulnerability during period ofeconomic recession.

The principal component analysis applied in this research, reveals the structuring of seven independent components, wich allow the building of a combined component that shows a quality of life problem hierarchy, within the study area . This combined component reflects the spatial con centration in particular social problems, such as overcrowding and poor housing; among others. This problems are found more frequently in larger settlements.


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Author Biography

ROBERTO FIGUEROA MARTIN, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Instituto de Geografía, Universidad Católica de Chile


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How to Cite

FIGUEROA MARTIN, R. (1992). Spatial focalization of quality of life quality of life problems in the commune of La Pintana, Metropolitan Region. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (19), 69–81. Retrieved from


