Recession and degradation of the native forest on an island in the Chiloé region: the case of Lemuy Island.


  • VÍCTOR QUINTANILLA Universidad de Santiago de Chile
  • JUAN MATUTE Universidad de Chile


evergreen forest, landscape, prairies


The insular territory of Chiloé show a significant alteration of the forest cover. A similar situation happen in the western side of the Great Island of Chiloé. The Lemuy island, located in front of the Great Island of Chiloé and in the Ancud’s Gulf, had a anthropogenic activity. For this reason all the vegetation groups that are now observed are the secondary type. The wood logs extraction to generate prairies and small areas for farms, have made an intense degradation of the native forest without any possibility of regenerate it. On the other hand the quick arrive of exotic and wild species, have been complicated the regular regeneration of the primitive forest landscape: especially‘Nothofagus dombeyi‘and Aextoxicon punctatum and Drimys winteri –Luma apiculata in the coast.


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Author Biography

VÍCTOR QUINTANILLA, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Departamento Ingeniería Geográfica, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.


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How to Cite

QUINTANILLA, V., & MATUTE, J. (2021). Recession and degradation of the native forest on an island in the Chiloé region: the case of Lemuy Island. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (33), 113–130. Retrieved from


