Proposal for marine and coastal protection areas in Cauquenes Province, VII Maule Region in the Province of Cauquenes, VII Region of Maule.


  • ÓSCAR IGNACIO CASTILLO PAUL Centro de Cultura Naval y Marítima


Coastal geography, protected wild areas, protected marine areas


It is necessary to establish new “Protected Wild Areas” in the coastal border and Cordillera de la Costa of the Cauquenes province, with identification of areas with environmental fragility in the coastal area. It is convenient to implement some type of unit of management as Marine Park, Protection Area or Natural Sanctuary in the geographical space between Punta Santa Ana (Faro Carranza sector) by the north, and the valley of Chovellén river by the south in order to guard the natural ecosystems. It is necessary to create a Protected Wild Area in the coastal border and in the territorial sea. This study intends to create conscience in the national community through the governmental organism of the country that protect the environment.


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Author Biography

ÓSCAR IGNACIO CASTILLO PAUL, Centro de Cultura Naval y Marítima

Profesor de Historia y Geografía. Centro de Cultura Naval y Marítima. Playa Ancha, Valparaíso, Chile


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CORPORACIÓN DE FOMENTO DE LA PRODUCCIÓN. “Geografía Económica de Chile” (Texto Refundido). Editorial Universitaria S.A., Santiago de Chile, 1965, páginas 137-139; 238, 244-246, 248- 249.
KELLEHER, G. y KENCHINGTON, R. “Dinámica Política y Social para la Creación de Zonas Marinas Protegidas”. En Revista La naturaleza y sus recursos, Volumen 26, Nº 2, 1990, págs. 34-42.
REVISTA NATURALEZA. “Areas Marinas Protegidas: una necesidad impostergable”, Nº 19, abril-mayo, 1987, págs. 4-9.



How to Cite

CASTILLO PAUL, ÓSCAR I. (2001). Proposal for marine and coastal protection areas in Cauquenes Province, VII Maule Region in the Province of Cauquenes, VII Region of Maule. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (28), 25–34. Retrieved from


