Thinking about “language games” as a possibility of the democracy: the Wittgensteinian moment in the social and political though of Ernest Laclau and Chantal Mouffe


  • Manuel Guerrero A. Universidad Alberto Hurtado (Chile)



Linguistic draft, social and political theory, Wittgenstein, Laclau, Mouffe


To think about the social is an unavoidable task of any social intervention. From the 20th century
the ‘ linguistic draft ‘ has put new challenges to the social sciences. This paper seeks to establish
some reading keys to reveal the “draft” produced between the presence of the topic of the language,
the communication and the discourse in some social and political reflection, which takes a conception
of the language not only as a “topic” of reflection, but as condition itself of the social and of
the democracy. The “problem” of the language exceeds the area of the social and political reflection.
Well as “ form of Life “,” thought “,” action “,” communication “,” text “,” writing “ or “ discourse “, the
language has meddled in a vigorous way to the contemporary debate. That is the so called “linguistic
draft”. Ludwig Wittgenstein is one of the authors of this discussion, who has had a strong impact in
the contemporary social and political theory, linked to new forms of comprehension of the social
relations and the possibility of the democracy in our contemporary societies.


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Author Biography

Manuel Guerrero A., Universidad Alberto Hurtado (Chile)

Sociólogo, Dr. (c) en Sociología, Universidad Alberto Hurtado





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