Social work and social complexities: contributions for pondering the professional intervention processes


  • Sergio Daniel Gianna Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina)



Social Work, Social complexes, Professional intervention, eleology


This work, carried out within the postgraduate doctoral study framework, shows some of the
results achieved up to now concerning the relationship between Social Work, job category and
social complexities. Through the judgment of Georg Lukács, we seek to reflect about work as a
foundational activity of social being and its distinction with social complexities, which aim to act
on social relationships. As from these discussions, the intention is to understand why Social Work
is a social complexity and how, through the apprehension of its peculiarities, teleological attitudes
aiming to build professional intervention strategies overcoming promptness and the mere institutional
claims may be developed.


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Author Biography

Sergio Daniel Gianna, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina)

Licenciado en Trabajo Social (Escuela de Trabajo Social, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba), Magíster en Trabajo Social (Facultad
de Trabajo Social, Universidad Nacional de La Plata) y Doctorando en Ciencias Sociales (Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad
de Buenos Aires). Becario de investigación CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas).





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