Home visit in Social Work: how a group of students value and use it?


  • Paula Chamorro
  • Alicia Razeto




Home visit, University students, Social work


In spite of being one of the emblematic strategies of intervention of the Social Work, the national studies published on the home visit have been realized for the most part from the field of the health and the psychology. In this context, this paper is the product of a field study it had as general aim analyze how there use the strategy of domiciliary visit the students of Social Work that they realize or have realized some semester of professional practice and what opinion the above mentioned students have on the qualities and difficulties of the domiciliary visit as strategy of social intervention. The method of the study contemplated the application of two technologies of compilation of information: i) a survey to a total sample of 51 students of fourth and fifth year of the career of Social Work of a university, ii) a group of discussion with 10 students of fourth and fifth year of the career of Social Work.
Since principal results it was possible to state that in this group of students of this university, the strategy is used and valued well by his contributions. Nevertheless, there was detected that principally they use for intentions of compilation of information about the case or controlled family and not as strategy to deliver social or educational services. Also they found certain distances between the use given by the students and the recommended for the checked literature, in relation to the frequency, intensity, instruments and professional  preparation in the use of the visit.


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Author Biographies

Paula Chamorro

Estudiante de Trabajo Social de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Correo electrónico: pachamorro@uc.cl

Alicia Razeto

Académica Escuela de Trabajo Social, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación. Av. Vicuña
Mackenna 4860, Macul, Santiago. Correo electrónico: arazeto@uc.cl

