Are there differences between [ə] and [ɯ] formants in Mapudungun spoken by bilingual children from Alto Bío-Bío?


  • Marisol Henríquez B.
  • Darío Fuentes G. Universidad de Concepción (Chile)



Chedungun, bilingual children, sixth vowel, acoustic analysis


The first studies about the Mapudungun sixth vowel, performed from an articulatory perspective, have associated it with two allophones: one central [ə] and another posterior [ɯ]. However, acoustic studies do not report a posterior allophone [ɯ], but a central one. This work presents an acoustic description of the Mapudungun sixth vowel produced by bilingual children from Alto Bío-Bío. An analysis of the normalized first two formants of /ə/ realizations was performed and a series of comparisons of these results between communities and sectors was made. The results show the presence of two allophones: one posterior-central in contexts where [ə] should be produced, and a central one in contexts where [ɯ] should be produced. These results are consistent with previous studies performed from an acoustic perspective but differ from the first articulatory approaches.


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Author Biographies

Marisol Henríquez B.

Departamento de Ciencias del Lenguaje y Literatura, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, Chile. 

Darío Fuentes G., Universidad de Concepción (Chile)

Magíster en Lingüística Aplicada, Universidad de Concepción, Chile / Magíster en Neurociencia Cognitiva del Lenguaje del Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language, España.





How to Cite

Henríquez B., M. ., & Fuentes G., D. . (2021). Are there differences between [ə] and [ɯ] formants in Mapudungun spoken by bilingual children from Alto Bío-Bío?. Onomázein, (51), 186–203.


