Distribución de marcadores discursivos en distintos tipos de discurso


  • María Teresa Poblete Bennett Universidad Austral de Chile




Bolívar’s (1995) assumptions concerning kinds of texts and types of discourse have been taken into account for the study of the distribution of three groups of discourse markers in three types of discourse: expository, narrative and argumentative. The data was taken from 18 semiformal interviews to nine women and nine men divided according to social strata, sex and age who belong to a representative sample of Valdivian speakers (Cepeda, et al., 1988: 55-66). The results show, on the one hand, that the distribution of suprasentential connectors is conditioned by the type of discourse where they occur, and that this distribution contributes to the achievement of the communicative objective of each type of discourse. On the other hand, the distribution of interactive and modality markers varies according to social variables rather than the type of discourse where they occur.


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2019-12-30 — Updated on 1999-12-31


How to Cite

Poblete Bennett , M. T. . (1999). Distribución de marcadores discursivos en distintos tipos de discurso. Onomázein, (4), 53–75. https://doi.org/10.7764/onomazein.4.03 (Original work published December 30, 2019)




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