Building a specialized corpus with BootCaT: translation of an Italian agency agreement
corpus linguistics, legal translation, BootCaT, agency agreement, Italian languageAbstract
As a contribution to corpus-based translation studies, in this article we shall present the semiautomatic compilation of a specialized corpus using a tool called BootCaT. The exploitation of this corpus will help us translate more confidently a legal agreement from Italian into Spanish. Specialized texts collected by this tool will be very valuable sources of terminological, conceptual and textual information. The semiautomatical compilation of the specialized ad-hoc corpus significantly reduces time and effort of manual compilation and paves the way for analysis of data, which will be carried out using AntConc 3.4.4w. Such an experience will allow translators to develop the main translation subcompetences (subject area competence, communicative and textual competence, instrumental and professional competence).