The training of teachers of Spanish for immigrants in all educational contexts


  • Dimitrinka G. Níkleva Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de Granada
  • Miguel García-Viñolo Universidad Católica Pázmány Péter



training of teachers, teachers of Spanish for immigrants, data analysis with the SPSS statistical program


This study focuses on the training of teachers in all educational contexts for teaching Spanish as a second language (EL2) to immigrants. It is carried out within the framework of an R&D project (reference: EDU2013-43868-P) entitled “The training of teachers of Spanish for immigrants in different educational contexts”. The study’s participating subjects are 151 teachers from different educational contexts in Spain: university, primary and secondary education, ATAL (Aulas Temporales de Adaptación Lingüística – Temporary Classrooms for Language Adaptation) or linking classrooms, official language schools, academies and humanitarian associations. The research instrument used is a questionnaire comprising 47 items designed to assess the specific training received and actual capability to teach Spanish to immigrants. Data analysis is performed using the SPSS statistical program, applying descriptive and inferential analysis techniques in order to determine the significant relationship of dependence between variables. The results confirm that the teachers need and demand greater specific training, one that varies in its subject matter according to the experience of the teacher and his/her place of work. Those teachers who have only taught Spanish to native students are not aware of the differences involved in teaching immigrants. We have found no previous studies that measure the training and true capability of teachers to teach Spanish to immigrants. We therefore consider that the present study is pioneering in this field, as well as being highly relevant, since gaining competence in Spanish is the most efficient route to social and cultural integration for immigrants.


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How to Cite

Níkleva, D. G., & García-Viñolo, M. (2023). The training of teachers of Spanish for immigrants in all educational contexts. Onomázein, (60), 167–188.


